the Reminder: The 2023 edition of the North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) is now underway in Halifax. Both Manitoba and Saskatchewan have plenty of northern athletes taking part, including several from Flin Flon and nearby communities.
MeadowLakeNow: The medals just keep on coming for Team Saskatchewan at the 2023 North American Indigenous Games in Halifax.
On Tuesday, a flurry of medals was won in athletics including a gold medal for Dreyten Bugler-Cann of Red Pheasant First Nation in the 100-metre race. Fellow community member Jimmy Reed took home a bronze in the 800 metres. aptn National News: Host Team Mi’kmaw Nova Scotia squared off against Team Saskatchewan earlier this week in 16 and Under basketball at the North American Indigenous Games.
CBC Canada: When their grandchildren made Team Saskatchewan for the North American Indigenous Games in Halifax, a group of grandmothers knew they would be there, cheering them on from the sidelines.
To make it happen though, they needed to raise about $25,000 and plan a 17-day road trip across the country. Sask. brings home four medals after Day One of competition at North American Indigenous Games7/18/2023 BattlefordNow: Saskatchewan has claimed four medals after day one of the North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) in Halifax.
All four of those medals came in the women’s canoe/kayak events, including a gold for Elena Deschambeault in the 3,000-metre MC1 19U female event. Eagle Feather News - Hundreds gathered at the Dakota Dunes Resort for an extra special pep rally for Team Saskatchewan's 500 athletes before they made the trek to Halifax for the return of the North American Indigenous Games (NAIG).
No one was more pleased with the send off than Saskatoon-resident Glenn LaFleur who is also the Metis representative and co-chair for the team. CTV News: WATCH: CTV Morning Live caught up with members of Team Sask. at the North American Indigenous Games in Halifax.
Radio-Canada: Les JAAN représentent un événement majeur dans le domaine sportif et culturel autochtones en Amérique du Nord. Ils accueillent cette année plus de 5000 participants qui s'affrontent dans 16 disciplines sportives.
L’équipe de la Saskatchewan est composée d’environ 535 participants. Ils viennent tous de différentes communautés à travers la province. Il s’agit de la plus grande délégation présente ici aux Jeux autochtones à Halifax, précise Campbell, Stevenson, qui gère la communication et les réseaux sociaux pour la délégation saskatchewanaise. Saskatoon StarPhoenix: More than 500 athletes, coaches, managers and mission staff are attending the 2023 North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) as part of Team Saskatchewan.
CTV News Saskatoon - More than 500 athletes, coaches and staff have arrived in Saskatoon in preparation for their trip out east.
They’re bound for the tenth edition of the North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) in Halifax. "I’m really excited,” said Mikeal Bird, a track athlete headed to his first games. “I heard it’s like a mini-Olympics and I’m just trying to soak it all in and have fun competing.” |